For Immediate Release (Monday, August
1, 2011)
All Media Contact:
Mac McCloud - 760-322-8672
or Email

Set for the Fall of 2011
Bi Men Weeks in LA and Orange County,
September 13, 14, 15 & 16, 2011
and October 11, 12. 13 & 14,
Bi Men Weeks in Phoenix and the
Valley of the Sun, AZ
September 27, 28, 29 & 30, 2011
and October 25, 26 and 27, 2011
Four Bi Men Weeks
are set for Fall 2011 by the Bi
Men Network - the Southern California
Bi MEN WEEK will be held in Los
Angeles, CA and Orange County, CA
over September 13 to 17, 2011 and
October 11 to 15, 2011 and the Central
Arizona Bi MEN WEEK over September
27 to October 1, 2011 and October
25 to 28, 2011. All Bi Men Weeks
are hosted by the Bi Men Network
- the world's largest and now oldest
social networking and support organization
with a bisexual male focus. The
Bi Men Network - founded 13 years
ago - now has over 250,000 bisexual,
bi-curious and gay adult male members
worldwide and is the leader in this
All Bi Men Weeks are hosted by the
Bi Men Network,,
the world's largest and oldest social
networking and support organization
with a bisexual male focus. The
Bi Men Network - founded 13 years
ago - now has over 250,000 bisexual,
bi-curious and gay adult male members
worldwide, and is the leader in
this field.
Research has shown that as many
as 15% of the population may be
bisexual. Other recent studies have
shown that as many as 40% of adult
men have engaged in sexual contact
with other men, but many not considering
themselves either gay or bisexual.
Bisexuals remain the least visible
and least vocal of the sexual minorities
Even after over a dozen years on
the scene, Mac McCloud, Founder
and President of the Bi Men Network
- says, "There are still so
very few resources available for
bisexual and bi-curious men to exchange
information and ideas about their
unique and largely misunderstood
sexual orientation, or to seek and
receive support for coping with
their life issues as bisexual men
today!" The recent official
Human Rights Commission Report out
of San Francisco has highlighted
the problems of the demonization
bisexuals face from many in both
the straight and gay worlds, or
the problems bisexuals suffer which
is caused by their continuing relative
invisibility in today's world.
The four Bi Men Weeks in Southern
California and Central Arizona will
focus exclusively on the issues
specific to bisexual and bi-curious
adult men, These events will be
held in high-quality hotels venues
in Los Angeles and Central Orange
County, and in Phoenix, Scottsdale
and Tempe, and will allow men to
gather in a safe and supportive
environment to dialogue on their
issues of concern, including their
feelings of invisibility and social
pressures to remain hidden away
in the closet. Attendees will find
a supportive and nurturing environment,
where they can be themselves and
experience real acceptance! These
events will also include many opportunities
for warm social interaction, to
help our men make new friends from
their local home areas and from
across the USA.
All our Bi Men Week events include
Support Hours with Mac McCloud leading
his Bi Men Seminar: "Be Bi,
Be Happy!" with discussion
groups. Then we host Social Hours,
Happy Hours and lunch meets where
our men can mingle and meet other
attendees in a quality and safe
hotel environment. We also host
closed sessions for sexual workshops,
as well as our infamous Bi Bad Boys
poker nights. See our full schedule
for each Bi Men Week on our Events
pages. Mac McCloud
notes, "For many attendees,
this is their first opportunity
to be in a very nice, quality hotel
with many other men similar to themselves,
where their own bisexuality or bi-curiosity
is both accepted and well understood!
Year after year at our events the
guys say that the camaraderie is
the best thing!"
Early Registration is only $20 per
event and ends 24 hours before each
event by mail or online at:
The fee for up to three events is
$35 prepaid, and for up to six events
the fee is only $69 prepaid. Men
may attend any and all events and
may pick and choose which events
in each Bi MEN WEEK, whether in
Southern California or Central Arizona,
that they wish to attend. Space
is limited, so it is best to prepay
and reserve your space for the event(s)
you wish to attend.
NOTE: To protect the privacy and
discretion of our Bi Men attendees,
no walk-ins are allowed. All proceeds
benefit our Bi Men Network.
For more information on our unique
Bi Men events, please visit:
or see our Frequently
Asked Questions page.
Also feel free to contact Mac McCloud,
Founder and President of the Bi
Men Network at 760-322-8672, or
Email him directly at:

Motto: "You are not alone!"