Being a bisexual male is not
as easy as one would think. You're shunned by the gay community for not "coming
out" all the way, and you're stigmatized by the hetero community because, well,
sometimes you like dick. Just what is a guy supposed to do when his sexual appetites
lead him down both the paths of pussy and penis? Never fear. First off,
you have to feel comfortable in your own skin. Second, if you like to taste both
forbidden fruits, then by all means sate those appetites. There is absolutely
nothing wrong with you or your desires. Third, don't feel badly, and never allow
the hang-ups of others to inhibit you from having a healthy, satisfying sex life.
There is a social group that will support you, as well. It's called BI Men
Network and can be found on the web at www.bimen.org.
Their credo is simple: "The BI Men Network is a free worldwide social and support
organization for bisexual men, BI-curious males, gay men, and BI couples. We have
more than 200,000 members and we are completely free. We provide resources, information,
pictures/videos, events, and Personals for our membership. We are now the largest
association for bisexuals on earth today." So it seems there is support
for those who swing the sexual vine both ways.
It's understood that bisexuals and bisexuality are the last "pariahs" and "lepers"
in modern society, feeling shunned by the Gay, Lesbian and hetero communities.
One thing that might now accentuate the gay community's distrust of bisexuals
is the marriage controversy currently under debate in legal halls and private
homes. "Bi's can still get married." In late 1998, the founder of the
BI Men Network, Mac McCloud, accessed the Internet at a public library. He says
he immediately realized that "the Internet was a Godsend for bisexuals." He saw
there was a need and a niche to be filled, and set about to do it. As he says,
"The bisexual and BI-curious men - who are the most shunned sexual minority group
on earth today in almost all societies - had not yet discovered the many benefits
of the (Internet) for bisexuals. No dues; no meetings; no going to churches or
GLBT centers or gay bars or such; no explaining to your wife, family or coworkers
where you've been; ability to use a 'handle' or remain anonymous; chat, rap, and
discuss common issues online in chat rooms and discussion groups - free - at all
hours!" That was his goal, and in order to accomplish those lofty heights,
Mac launched his first umbrella network, BI-MEN-USA online. The first 100 men
who thought they were all alone in their desires and proclivities found the site
and felt relief. The motto was and is: "You are NOT alone!" Within a
matter of months, the network had 5,000+ members. Indeed, by the end of the first
year, they boasted over 20,000 members. Now in 2004, they proudly have over 250,000
active males worldwide as members of their network. The BI Men Network is a free
social and support organization. You can check out some of their demographic study
results on their
site. Site owner Mac McCloud tells us that an outside evaluation last year showed
the site to be in the top quintile of websites visited on earth today.
The ideas behind the movement are simple and clear: 1) bisexuals need other bisexuals
for social and support reasons; 2) bisexual men must learn to practice safe-sex
and to be private and discreet; 3) while bisexuals do not want to be open and
out as gays and lesbians do - we do need to make the world aware that as many
as 20 percent of adults are practicing bisexuals. With 20 percent of
the population in the same boat as you, you definitely know you've got some company. The
BI-Guy Dilemma
by Alexia O'Neil Copyright 2004
Eros Online Magazine
