on behalf of all bisexual and bi-curious
MEN and our Friends Worldwide
RE: The increasingly hostile and unfriendly environment
in today's world for all bisexual and bi-curious MEN!
In the last decade, many gains have been made for our gay brothers and lesbian sisters, especially in the area of Marriage Equality. The wise and astute representation of "Gay Marriage" into "Marriage Equality" did, over time, work wonders for us. Decades ago, who would have thought that today all of us could get legally married in each and every jurisdiction in the United States. Other remarkable gains with greater acceptance and tolerance have been blessedly achieved for gays and lesbians, but progress for bisexual and bi-curious men has lagged behind, and now our transgendered siblings are increasingly under attack, most recently in the armed services, and even denied access to public restrooms in many states across the country today.
Sadly, bisexual men and bi-curious men are once again being shoved further and ever deeper into their closets, and left there in fear and isolation. Acceptance even by our gay and lesbian siblings has lagged, and whereas the LGBTQ family should be united and one, but it is no where any nearer to that today than it was decades ago. Bisexuals, especially men, are just not fully accepted and welcomed into our LGBTQ family as they rightfully should be. One day this will come and it must - so we are asking you to help make that a reality sooner than later. One day at a time.
An important first step for all of us was and is SELF-ACCEPTANCE and greater SELF-UNDERSTANDING. It is all too often so very difficult for bisexual and bi-curious men to do this. The Bi Men Network has been helping in this regard online since the 1990's as a continuous support and presence for our men at www.bimen.org - and in recent years with our new online bi men social fraternity - Beta Mu Society - www.betamusociety.org - and more recently our Facebook public groups. We are reaching out here to you today and now - to ask YOUR HELP in letting bisexual and bi-curious MEN you may know now or come to know in the future about these opportunities for greater self-acceptance and self-understanding.
We have many free resources online and readily available to all these bisexual and bi-curious men worldwide as: www.bimen.org and for our private, social networking fraternity for all bisexual men, bi-curious guys and gay men coming out, please visit: www.,betamusociety.org
We implore your help for all bisexual and bi-curious men - those you know now and those you will meet and encounter again and again. They are often newcomers to the LGBTQ family and all too often they need your patience, your care and concern, and your understanding. All too often they are NOT YET where you are on their LIFE PATHS to self-acceptance and self-understanding. They need and deserve your compassion and empathy and just a little help as they make their own way on their own life path albeit different than your own. The LGBTQ family is a BIG tent - we likely are 20 up to 40 percent of the entire human race and NOT just the 1 in 10.
So please HELP all members of our LGBTQ family in our pursuit of happiness - and self-acceptance and self-understanding for ALL of US!
Thank you so very much for listening and for being there for ALL of US now and for the future!
Best Wishes,
Stewart (Mac) McCloud
Founder and CEO
Alpha Founding Father
The Bi Men Online Social Fraternity

Classy Bisexual Erotica