YOU SUPPORT "MAC" Father/Founder here???
You'd buy MAC a drink if he was in town-- Right? |
buy MAC a cappuccino/latte-- Wouldn't you? |   |
was the March of Dimes Now it's the PARADE OF FIVERS AND SAWBUCKS!

can't YOU - won't you - send your $5 or $10 to MAC for our PARADE OF FIVERS
what other guys who've just sent in their contributions have to say!
I wanted to hopefully "make your day" and let you know of my $100.00
donation that I just Paypal'd to you. I also wanted to take this chance to address
the members regarding the Bi Men Funding "Challenge."
Guys!!! What does this poor guy (Mac) have to do to get some support?! After reading
the last email, it's pretty clear that he is all but begging us to send a few
bucks to keep the Bi Men Network running. I understand the need to keep things
anonymous so I think his idea of just sending cash in an envelope is the way to
make a contribution and remain discreet.
I'd like to challenge everyone reading this to help me blow Macs' mind and start
filling his mail box to overflowing with sawbucks (that's a ten dollar bill) and
crank up a minimum of $5000.00 by the end of the month! I'm putting my money where
my mouth is by kicking it off with the aforementioned $100.00 donation! Let's
have some fun with this and just see how much we can rack up with just five or
ten bucks a person. Let's show Mac how much we appreciate all the free hook ups
and porn etc. Just put a $5 or $10 bill in an envelope, and mail it to the address
listed in the email. But do it now before you forget! I'm really serious about
blowing his mind with a flood of letters!
As a closing note I've got to say that the Bi Men website, and Mac in particular,
helped me find the greatest "buddy" that I never would have found if
not for him. (He (Mac) doesn't even know about this yet.) I had placed an ad in
the Bi personals describing in detail the person I was looking to hook up with.
Mac happened to make a comment to the group about my ad, saying something like
"This guy sounds really great" or something like that. Well, as it turned
out the guy I'm now with didn't see my ad but saw Mac's comment which got him
to contact me. I can't tell you how happy I am about that! I'll have to write
a True Tell and tell the story of when we first got together.
Anyway, thanks for listening and let's strap on a set and "get it up"
for the challenge! Thanks,
Doing what I can for the moment; hope to send you some more later.
Want you to know how much I appreciate you, and the whole BiMen "movement."
You guys have been my support through some tough times the last few years, including
a couple of years of unemployment, while I went through a nightmare divorce and
battle for custody of my kids, during which my ex tried to use my sexuality as
a weapon. Today I am happily employed, living in MY house with all FIVE of my
kids, while their mother lives alone feeling sorry for herself. Life is good.
You, and all the guys, and even "Three Pillows" have gotten me through
some dark times! Nick

"Just wanted to say thanks for the web site. I am a bi married man and
don't have anyone to communicate with. I hopefully will meet someone from the
group. I haven't had too much luck yet. It gets pretty lonely not be able to express
yourself. I'm sure there is someone out there that is in the same situation. I'm
going to keep looking." Victor 
Send to me ("Mac"): Stewart McCloud 88 Caravan Street Palm
Springs, CA 92264 USA Make checks or money orders out to me. Please
include your email address so that I can thank you. When I do email thank
yous I will ask for your info to complete your thank you gifts as you so desire.
I can NOT do it alone!
have 1/4 million plus active male members with us worldwide. I need more support!
We could really build something truly phenomenal if just a few thousand of YOU
would contribute instead of the same few hundreds who have carried the day for
the past six years!
HELP THE Bi MEN NETWORK TODAY! Even five dollars will
help us to keep GOING & GROWING!
