As most of you know, the Bi MEN NETWORK is now well over six years old - but has
been wholly independent and member supported over the last 18 months. As noted
above, our Bi MEN WEEKENDS back East this Spring have had to be scaled back or
put on hold. BUT, the good news is that we NOW have PayPal DONATION BUTTONS on
our website, see our
mission page, where the public and our membership - including
YOU? - can easily donate five or five hundred or five thousand dollars to our
Bi MEN NETWORK. We are helping men just like you worldwide, like this
member who wrote us last week: "Just wanted to say thanks for
the web site. I am a bi married man and don't have anyone to communicate with.
I hopefully will meet someone from the group. I haven't had too much luck yet.
It gets pretty lonely not be able to express yourself. I'm sure there is someone
out there that is in the same situation. I'm going to keep looking . . ."
Our services are important! To keep
those services free to men in need, we are asking for help from men like you who
know how lonely it can be with no one to communicate with or get support from
in painful situations.
Whether five or five thousand dollars, all donations are needed and gratefully
accepted and put to work here. Donors of $1,000 and more are welcome to designate
their wishes as to how their donation is expended here as: Bi MEN Events including
region; Bi MEN Distress Fund; Bi MEN websites; PR; public education; new member
campaigns; safe sex education; Bi MEN workshops; "Special Edition" private
email list; Bi Men Network memberships in the ILGA and other GLBT organizations,
Men's advocacy and Fathers' Rights groups, Internet-free speech associations;
or ???
NEED YOUR HELP! There is absolutely
year the day was saved - again at this same time - FATHER'S DAY - which along
with Founders' Day - are the two BIG EVENTS each year at the Bi MEN NETWORK. Last
year we were saved from near death by over 100 men who donated $69 or more as
"LIFETIME MEMBERS" to keep us going. That saved the day for nine months
- but we are back in the ER again! In our six years it has always been FATHER'S
DAY donations that have saved the day. The first was in June 1999 - when over
100 men donated $99 or more each to keep us afloat and we were only a few months
old then with only 5,000 or so total members. SO once more we have to ask for
YOU - the members - to contribute - to donate. The GOOD NEWS is now you
can donate any amount - $5.00 or more! We need thousands of YOU GUYS to get involved
at this level at least once a year and not the same hundred or so guys who give
and give and give. We need thousands of our guys involved - even at $5 and $10
and $25 - and more LIFETIME MEMBERS at $69 each. WILL
five dollars will help keep us going and growing another year - another decade.
Guys it is UP to YOU! Just imagine if ALL 1/4 million guys here contributed $5.00
each. Just imagine! WOW! So go now - do the right thing - even five dollars
will help US go and grow! Click on the donation button below and help us to help
others. What
YOU the CONTRIBUTORS Will Receive: $5.00
A big Thank You for your contribution - every dollar counts here at the Bi MEN!
CONTRIBUTION: Thank you! Each and
every $10 contributor receives if they wish our 3" diameter black and white
Yin-Yang embroidered Patch to add to your own T-shirt, sweat shirt, or jacket.
Let the guys who know know that you know that they know! PLUS the first $10 contributor
and every fifth $10 contributor thereafter will receive a DVD from COLT Studio
or KOALA. Our patches and the DVD's are sent discreetly to your home or office
address in plain US First Class or Priority Mail PLAIN ENVELOPES. No mention of
the Bi Men Network anywhere. Help us spread the down-low word - on the QT - that
yin-yang is a clue you just might happen to be a bi guy!
thank you so much! Each and every $25 contributor receives if they wish our 3"
diameter black and white Yin-Yang embroidered Patch to add to your own T-shirt,
sweat shirt, or jacket. Let the guys who know that you know that they know - and
even do something about that secret knowledge! PLUS the first $25 contributor
and every fifth $25 contributor thereafter will receive a KOALA thong or swimsuit
(a $30 value). All Patches and KOALA men's mentionables (here at least) are sent
discreetly to your home or office address in plain US First Class or Priority
Mail PLAIN ENVELOPES. No mention of the Bi Men Network anywhere. Help us spread
the openly secret knowledge that Yin-Yang Patches might just be your bisexual
club member insignia - but maybe not! All $25 contributors also if they so desire
receive a one year paid online subscription to our own Bi Men "Special Edition"
private, discreet email list. $69.00
for joining us as a valued LIFETIME MEMBER for only $69. YOU valued LIFETIME MEMBERS
have year in and year out repeatedly SAVED THE DAY! Thank you so much. You will
receive the Yin-Yang embroidered patch as above AS WELL AS: a free month of free
bi mmf pay-for-porn at THREE PILLOWS -PLUS a full Lifetime paid online subscription
to our own Bi Men "Special Edition". And if you so desire you may have
your choice of one of the DVD's above OR a Koala thong or swimsuit. All LIFETIME
members get: Yin-Yang Patch; month of bi porn; lifetime subscription to Bi Men
"Special Edition; as well as your choice of a COLT or KOALA DVD or a KOALA
erotic thong or exotic swimsuit. All discreetly mailed! For all the
guys who wish to donate an amount other than: $5 or $10 or $25 or $69 (and receiving
thank yous as above for $5 to $9 - or $11 to $24 - or - $26 to $68 - or $70 and
above) - go here to our PayPal contribution button At PayPal you can use any major
credit card or debit card and even a check from your checking account! 
to me ("Mac"): Stewart McCloud 88 Caravan Street Palm Springs,
CA 92264 USA Make checks or money orders out to me. Please include
your email address so that I can thank you. When I do email thank yous I will
ask for your info to complete your thank you gifts as you so desire.
GUYS! I can NOT do it alone!
have 1/4 million plus active male members with us worldwide. I need more support!
We could really build something truly phenomenal if just a few thousand of YOU
would contribute instead of the same few hundreds who have carried the day for
the past six years!
dollars will help us to keep GOING & GROWING! Without your
support, We may have to close our doors! |