BI Men Members & Friends:

RE: BI Men Network Designated Charity for
Hi MEN! hope you had great Valentines and
you do have my sincere, best wishes for
the rest of the year. I hope that you and
yours have a great year with health and
happiness and more than enough bread to
keep the wolf from your door!

Try to plan ahead this year to join us for
our 6th Annual BI Men Getaway Weekend and
BI Men Conference this October back in Palm
Springs for a second year here - after one
year in Las Vegas and three years in San
Diego. Do plan ahead to join us then and
there. Buy a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP and get
a free pass to this or any BI Men major
event as well as a free month of BI mmf
quality pay-for-porn from Three Pillows.
Go to:

This year $20 of each and every lifetime
paid membership will go as a cash donation
to CEPRESI in Nicaragua - our 2007 BI MEN
NETWORK designated charitable organization.

Last Fall, I traveled to Nicaragua and met
with the leaders of CEPRESI in Managua.
This is our new BI Men Network charity for
2006-2007. CEPRESI is the leading non-governmental
nonprofit organization fighting AIDS in
Nicaragua. While Nicaragua and Haiti are
the two very poorest countries in the Americas
today - Nicaragua has by far the lowest
incidence of active AIDS cases and HIV infection
whereas Haiti sadly has the very highest.
It is miserable to have AIDS or HIV infection
in any country on earth - but especially
in these two very poor nations.

they say: "An inch of prevention is
worth a pound of cure!" This is especially
true in Nicaragua which has an 80 per cent
poverty rate. Those who can and do work
make about $2 a day. There is little to
no government infrastructure to fight AIDS
there and little sex education for AIDS

CEPRESI works in this field. I met with
them in Managua and delivered a cash donation
in person as well as a suit case full of
condoms and water-based lubricant samples
from our BI Men Network sponsors. I could
not tell if they were more pleased with
the sex aids or the cash - but they loved
both and were very grateful and very delighted
to meet US and to receive our BI Men Network
donations. No one from the USA it seems
had ever set up an appointment to come by
and give anything or even say hi!

Nicaragua as noted has the lowest incidence
of AIDS and HIV infection in the Western
Hemisphere. Haiti is number one with 27
times as much AIDS/HIV as Nicaragua. Costa
Rica the "wealthy" neighbor next
door to the south has three times as much
AIDS/HIV as Nicaragua and Honduras the poor
neighbor to their north has 9 times as much
AIDS/HIV as does Nicaragua. So you can readily
see that our donations in kind of condoms
and lubricants and cash are needed and do
go far to help keep Nicaragua a relatively
AIDS free-zone in all of the Americas.

CEPRESI is also in dire need of sex education
and STD and AIDS prevention videos and dvd's.
If the titles are in ENGLISH they can add
subtitles or talk along with the educational
tapes as they are played. Due to the low
educational levels there - tapes are even
more valuable than written materials. Also
with younger men today - as here - coming
up in a more audio/visual world - tapes
are far better as a means to educate.
An ounce of prevention is indeed worth
a pound if not a ton of cure when it comes
to such a desperately poor nation as Nicaragua.
Won't you help? Join us as a LIFETIME MEMBER
at only $69.00 (or join again) and $20 will
go to CEPRESI and you will also get a free
pass to any BI Men major event,,
as well as a free month of BI mmf pay-for-porn
from Three Pillows.

Go to:
or contact me - "MAC" - direct

Or go to our website and see the CONTACT
links to reach me via our website at

Nicaragua to continue to be truly blessed
as a relatively AIDS free zone in the Americas.
Why not help make a difference? You can
join as a lifetime member or you can send
a donation to our BI MEN NETWORK and tell
me you want half or all to go to CEPRESI
in Nicaragua.
Feel free if you wish to help CEPRESI
directly as if you have educational tapes
or donations in kind or cash contributions.
Contact their Executive Directory Norman
Guiterrez. They sadly do not have enough
money or staff for a website/web presence
at this time. But as you can imagine that
is not in Nicaragua an immediate or high
priority. Contact me here if you want to
contact them directly or I will be happy
to be the middle hombre!

This is our first CHARITY since we contributed
to the last North American Bisexual Conference
in Minneapolis. This time I need YOUR HELP
to help CEPRESI as our funding from the
Bisexual Foundation ended a very long time
Please also if you will support our
major sponsors :
Adult Friend Finder;
and Three
Pillows. Get free basic memberships
at AFF or OUT or take the free tour at Three
Pillows. Every click from our men and our
friends DOES help the BI Men Network. See
below for details on these and our other
affiliations and sponsors.

Please help me to help the bisexual, BI-curious
and gay MEN of Nicaragua to avoid the curse
of AIDS and HIV infections as well as other
STD's too. It is bad here to have any of
these - just think how horrible it would
be to be infected with any of these in the
poorest Latin country in Latin America!
Muchas gracias!

If you have any questions about CEPRESI,
AIDS and bisexuality/homosexuality in Nicaragua
do contact me directly!
