5th BI Men Getaway Weekend

Fabulous Days and 4 Wild Nights
in Palm Springs!
October 5, 6, 7, and 8, 2006
sure to mark your calendars
& do plan ahead to join
the BI MEN NETWORK at our
5th BI Men Getaway Weekend
on Columbus Day Weekend in
fabulous Palm Springs Four
wild nights and three fun-filled
days at great venues on the
southside of Palm Springs
near the PSP airport &
the new lavish downtown Indian
casino just like those of
the big boys in Las Vegas!
have real bargain rates over
this popular long weekend.
Rooms are only $60 for a single
with a king and only $70 for
a room with two double beds
for those who would like to
share and save money. We can
help you find a roomie to
share your room - but please
don't look to your roomie
as a sex toy - LOL. There
will be plenty of action so
that you can use your shared
room to rest! A great olde
lady friend of mine - MONIKA
- got us this great deal at
the lovely ROYAL SUN INN at
1700 South Palm Canyon Drive
on the south end of Palm Springs.
To get this bargain BMW rate
you must call them directly
and book over their 800 (toll-free)
number and ask for this BMW
rate. So - since space is
limited - and this is the
famed American HEAT Weekend
in PS - call ASAP and book
your king (single) room or
your two doubles (double room).
Call reservations toll- free
at 800/619-4SUN (which is
800/619-4786. You can visit
their website for views and
a virtual tour at:
will have their lush "Spa
Suite" for late night
"mixers" for intimate
mingling Friday, Saturday
and Sunday nights. This "Spa
Suite" will be this year's
hospitality suite with free
drinks, coffee and munchies
round the clock from 9 AM
up until 1 AM. The Royal Sun
in is on South Palm Canyon
Drive near Mac's new home
in Palm Springs. Our guys
are encouraged to stay at
our ROYAL SUN INN host venue
with this bargain BMW rate
and to reserve early as space
for this rate is limited and
this is the big American HEAT
weekend as well and is the
three day Columbus Day holiday
weekend. To get the BMW bargain
rate you must stay at least
two (2) of the four nights
- or stay three (3) or all
four (4) nights - October
5th to 8th. You do NOT need
a car to enjoy this entire
weekend. The Palm Springs
Airport is only 3-4 miles
away. You can also fly into
Ontario, CA or Los Angeles
area airports. When space
is sold out at the Royal Sun
Inn please make other arrangements
at other nearby motels as:
Best Western, Vagabond and
Travelodge. For any "high
rollers" who're up for
much higher priced luxury
lodgings feel free to contact
Mac for some suggestions.
With travel costs UP - we
are opting to stay closer
to our home-base to keep costs
low. Guys will be able to
share rooms at the Royal Sun
Inn at $35-40 each to save
as well as share rides to
save money.. Mac will assist
you if you wish to share either
a room or ride or both. Just
contact Mac directly by phone
or better yet by email. If
you do bring your own car
- you will have the opportunity
to earn some gas money from
MAC when you help out with
rides to other BI Men Weekend
attendees who are car-less
that weekend. IF you are driving
out with a vehicle that can
seat 5 or more and want to
"work" as a "Mac"
Mobile driver - shuttle service
of sorts - and will plan to
keep your wits about you -
then contact "Mac"
for a deal he may have with
YOUR NAME written all over
You will need to make your
own room reservations and
your own travel arrangements
- plus pay for your BI Men
Getaway registration fee -
pay by Labor Day and save
more. Registrations after
Labor Day online or by mail
welcomed as well as at the
door at $80 cash.
host venue:
INN place to be!" -
1700 South Palm Canyon Drive,
Palm Springs, CA 92264 -
toll-free reservations -
800/619-4SUN or 800/619-4786
- ask for the low BMW RATES
for October 5th to 8th.
That is $60 for a king single
or $70 for two double beds.
For this BMW low bargain
rate you must stay at least
TWO of the four nights.
You get a free buffet breakfast
each morning there - plus
a fridge, coffee pot and
microwave in your room.
Request 2nd floor to be
with the BMW gang and to
have your own balcony as
space is sold out - try:
Best Western Inn or Vagabond
Inn of similar quality very
nearby or budgeteers try
the Travelodge, 333 East
Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs
- (800) 578-7875 - at $55
a night (or more for HEAT
that only a limited number
of rooms are set aside at
these low BMW bargain rates!
If you have any intention
of attending call their toll-free
800 res desk so you can lock
in these bargain prices. Call
soon. Reserve your room early
- when gone - they are gone
with the wind forever. This
is the very popular "American
Heat" Weekend in PS and
these are just great BMW bargain
rates for us.
you're unable to make it you
can cancel later or pass it
on to another oh so happy
BMW guy who might have gotten
shut out.
- will start again on Thursday,
October 5th Happy Hour with
a Meet & Greet JO FUN
Party with early bird attendees
and local members and other
BI and gay male guests. Enjoy
free beer and sodas and camaraderie
with early birds and other
BI& gay men. Be UP for
fun - 5 PM to 7 PM. Lifetime
Members only plus local guys/invitees
+ squad members.
7 PM - cocktails
at Davey's in Palm Springs
- then 8 PM dinner there -
Dutch treat! Right across
Palm Canyon Drive from our
host venue Royal Sun Inn -
plus close to our BI Men "Club
House" too.
- Registration
- with sign-ins plus mingling
starts 3 PM - go to our new
BI Men "Club House"
at Mac's new home near our
host venue - the Royal Sun
Inn. Munchies with free drinks
- welcome gifts - safe sex
kits - ying yang T-shirts
& leather bracelets for
our attendees. Enjoy old friends
and make new pals! Repeat
offenders come get yet more
beads on your wrist.
7 PM we adjourn for dinner
(Dutch treat) and to rest
and cleanup for an action
packed evening in hot, exciting
Palm Springs.
Then at 9 PM - Aroma Therapy
Party with "MAC"
for Lifetime Members only.
PM up to 1 AM with Mac and
one of our hosts for Lifetime
Members Only. Free drinks
as well as Brandy and night
caps free for all attendees
with "MAC" in our
"SPA" (Hospitality
Suite). If you are NOT a Lifetime
Member you can "upgrade"
your standing for only $20
- but best to just join once
as a Lifetime Member for only
$20 to attend the PRIVATE
Lifetime Members only parties.
IF you are already a Lifetime
Member then just pay the $50
registration fee before Labor
Day or buy another Lifetime
Membership for $69 vs. $80
cash at the door.
October 7th
- The fun continues
- free Royal Sun Inn buffet
breakfast 7 AM to 10 AM -
then we convene at 10 AM to
1 PM in our group meeting
venue with our "Be BI
= Be Happy!" program
led by BI Men Founder "Mac"
McCloud. The morning meeting
area is poolside under a nice
shaded canopy enjoying the
world-famed wonderful Fall
climate of Palm Springs.
Break for scrumptious Mexican
lunch provided by the BI MEN
NETWORK at a nearby restaurant
- a short walk away - well-known
and one of Barry Manilow's
favorite PS haunts. Lunch
on the BI Men Network - but
you buy your own beer or margaritas!
We then return to the ROYAL
SUN INN and break out in smaller
meeting rooms to enjoy various
topics for optional selections
2 to 3:30 PM and 3:30 PM to
5 PM. Then our infamous "Cock
Walk" for valuable prizes!
Display your wares in erotic
wear or swim-wear from our
sponsors or better yet bring
your own erotic "Cock-Walk"
costume of your own creation.
This is 6 to 7:30 PM with
free drinks & munchies
in Mac's Hospitality Spa Suite
courtesy of the BI Men Network.
8 pm we meet nearby at the
for a fine champagne banquet
dinner and we will honor this
year's "Man of the Year".
Last year we honored Drew
of Three Pillows - the "godfather"
of our BI Men Network at Hugo's
Cellar in Las Vegas. The 2006
Man of the Year - will be
announced at this champagne
banquet dinner. Banquet dinner
- no charge to all Lifetime
Members (a $35 value). Gentlemen
who wish to bring their wives
or lady friends or boy friends
to this function contact MAC
to make such an arrangement
($35 cash) - but please note
the rest of the weekend is
MEN ONLY - BI and gay men
and BI and gay male couples
all welcomed - aged 18 to
118 throughout the long weekend.
This is the only "mixed"
- out on the town - hit the
big CASINO or do a gay bar
tour or go to the baths here
- or back to our Spa Hospitality
Suite - once again open for
Male Merry Makers - 10 PM
to 1 am. Free drinks, brandy,
night caps in our Spa Hospitality
Suite at the Royal Sun Inn.
NOTE: Please remember
that PRIVATE PARTY functions
are for "Lifetime Members"
only - only $69 or pay added
$20 to Mac in PS.
October 8th
- Free Buffet Breakfast
provided at the Royal Sun
Inn and upstairs free eye-openers,
coffee, juice in Mac's Hospitality
Spa Suite from 10 AM to NOON.
BI Men Pool Party - 12 NOON
to 4 PM with free beach ball
souvenirs from Mac - with
free drinks, beer and lunch
on the BI Men Network. Happy
Hour - 5 to 7 PM in our spa
hospitality suite with Mac
- and then on the town on
your own for dinner out, then
some gambling or cruising
- reopens 9 PM to Midnight
Sunday Evening for Lifetime
Members still so inclined!
Free drinks and nightcaps
in the party room. Come say
good-bye and then off to bed.
PLAN ahead to attend. Most
married men were "at"
some convention or trade show
or business-related (work)
event. The best "cover"
these days is a COMPANY-MANDATORY
"diversity workshop"
where NO wives are allowed
to accompany you & inform
your wife/partner about this
mandatory company unpleasant
workshop far ahead of time.
IF your wife or girlfriend
is the type who can keep herself
busy - she can attend the
champagne banquet at the additional
cost of $35. If enough women
do show up - my mother "Honey"
has graciously agreed to host
a free continental breakfast/coffee
klatch for wives to meet and
discuss shared concerns. IF
your wife is with you and
staying with you at the Royal
Sun Inn - she of course can
join us for the pool party
on Sunday and the BI Men will
be happy to cover her lunch
order free at no added charge
to you.
IF you wish to get our bargain
save up to thirty bucks by
registering NOW! Go to:
in the MEMO to me "Mac"
note that this is for "PS
Registration 2006". Save
up to thirty bucks now! IF
you want to attend all the
PARTIES - go for the $69 Lifetime
Membership - or you can upgrade
in PS with $20 to MAC.
you wish to REGISTER now &
SAVE - & are not already
a valued LIFETIME MEMBER here
- go to that same page at:
- join us as a LIFETIME MEMBER
& get a free pass to PALM
SPRINGS 2006 -an $80 value
plus get a free full month
- of free BI mmf porn at
- WOW! This is a savings to
you of $50 & you help
the BI Men Network go &
grow & join our "elite
meats" = Lifetime Members!
Spiffs & prizes for our
lifetime members plus our
hot JO rooms!
Don't miss out! Plan ahead
to join us for a fun, unique
experience for bisexual, BI-curious&
This is a truly one of a kind
event - join the fun and make
new friends too! Private JO
Party Rooms each & every
day or night for our valued
Lifetime Members only. SO
- join now as a LIFETIME MEMBER.
Thank you!


BI MEN NETWORK is a member supported
network! That means we need
help from YOU the members one
way or another. You can help
by contributing funds - even
$5 - $10 - or $25 helps. You
can REGISTER early for our Palm
Springs event if you are unsure
you can attend this coming October
- you will have a PAID spot
for any future BI Men EVENT
- or yet better join us as a
valued LIFETIME MEMBER at only
$69. See how to contribute online
or to mail in cash, check or
money order at our contribution
and donation page at:

the USA or CANADA?
are doing a major push with
both emails and more expensive
hard copy first class "snail
mails" to key persons
in sales and marketing across
the USA and Canada. Do you
know the name, title and mailing
address for any such persons?
IF so email them to "Mac"
here at BI MEN NETWORK so
that we can mail them our
PR piece and rate sheet and
info on BI MEN. We need more
revenues from banner ads in
our monthly newsletter and
we need sponsors for the BI
MEN and for our events! IF
you know any key contact folks
in sales and marketing please
send "Mac" that
info - privacy and discretion
are assured No one will know
that you referred us to these
people - but we need this
insider information for this

and Marketing Director:
Member needed to act as our
Sales and Marketing Director
- part-time or full-time.
This would be ideal for a
skilled professional in this
field who is seeking more
work in his current job or
at his own agency or a retired
or semi- retired professional
who could work from home and
would be willing to take it
on to assist the BI Men Network
in this vital post. Please
email Founder "MAC"
call (760)322-8672 Pacific