has been said that the information age is the best thing that has happened to
the bisexual, lesbian, gay and transgendered community. A person can be as open
or as closed as they likeproviding their name and locationeven age
and email address. If a person is less open, providing a handle in
lieu of a name with no other details at all is enough to begin talking to other
like minded people. For bisexual men especially, this forum allows for wider spread
communication and even to find friends and allies. It is this technology that
has allowed me to talk with the founder of the Bi Men NetworkStewart McCloud.I
was in Oceanside near Camp Pendleton [in 1988 or 1989] with a little beach cottage
and met many Marines and some sailors who were bi or bi-curious. Many denied they
were bi or bi-curious. McCloud says of the beginnings of the Bi Men Network.
In those days he ran what would become the Bi Men Network without a name as a
local, peer based group, helping other struggling bi men as much as possiblethough
that was to change. It started out one on one and then [when] I was between
jobs in Long Beach and had a $100 WebTV (and still do have a WebTV) I founded
Bi Men USA and that got it going. Got it going is a bit of an understatement.
The Bi Men Network now boasts a website for each State in the U.S. and every major
nation outside the U.S. with the biggest groups being in the U.K. and the Philippines.
The Bi Men Networks mission (in part) is to provide a quality haven
and safe harbor for todays bisexual and bi-curious males and
our gay male and bi couple friends worldwide. After thirteen years and 250,000
members the Bi Men Network is most frequently visited site for Bi Men. The website
offers more than just a newsletter and exclusive email listthe Bi Men Network
homepage offers links to an exclusive Travel Desk that helps Bi men meet with
other Bi men in their area and Macs Back Room provides the users
the links to more mature content while keeping it separated from the
meat and potatoes of what Bi Men Network has to offer. I would love
to have a nice whistle clean website with no adult banners or sales as an affiliate
if I were wealthy and could do so. McCloud says of his decision to include
adult advertising, however, we would not have to take adult ads if the public
would be even a tad generous. There is no bisexual organization I have met to
date who [sic]can thrive on public contributions. On the other hand, I think it
helps our guys that I vouch for our vendors and will not tolerate anyone cheating
or mistreating our guys. They rely on me. I do not make referrals or recommend
anyone lightly and it has been this way for now over a decade here at Bi Men Network.
In that decade the Bi Men Network has seen many successessome personal.
When asked what he was most proud of McCloud spoke of the diversity and community
of his organizationhow the men have been there for each other. A school
teacher who was outed by his teenage son, lost his family when his
wife could not cope with his bisexuality and was forced to leave town when a local
Church ostracized himhe was left living out of his car with one set of clothes
to wear. His salvation came from the community of the Bi Men Network. We
raised emergency money for him. McCloud says, We got a money order
to him over a Super Bowl weekend and into a motel and some new clothes until he
got on his feet and got to cash one of his own paychecks! The Bi
Men Getaway weekends are also an achievement McCloud is proud of, A big
milestone for me was the Bi Men Big Weekend we did in Las Vegas which was our
biggest ever event and was in a ballroom in a big downtown Vegas hotel with a
penthouse house suite and was [an] A+ event (before this latest bad recession)
and had about a hundred total attendees. Guys came from all over. That is harder
to do now [with] the costs involved and the economy. McCloud refuses to
let a recession stop him, however. This summer he is taking the Bi Men Getaway
Weekends on the Road in a series of conventions from May to October (see the list
below). Each getaway will be tailored to the bi men of their community and is
to include both informative and recreational activities. I poll the paid
attendees for each event and find out what they want on each citys program
so the events have a customized aspect for the attendees. Basically the morning
is my program about the Bi Men Network and being bi in todays world and
Be Bi and Be Happy with some additions/topics that the group seem to want to talk
about and any other guys who are speakers. The afternoon session is show and tell
sharing where each guy who wants to is free to reveal as little or as much about
himself as a bi or bi-curious man and any concerns he has and to seek the ideas
and input of the group and most men find this very healing and helpful.
It is often the first time like AA or NA where they have opened up about their
bi side. Facilitating events like this is nothing new to
McCloud who has been facilitating discussions with Bi Men for over twenty yearsfirst
with the American Institute of Bisexuality and Dr. Fritz Kleininventor of
the Klein Grid. Over the years, the men have always told me the best thing
was the weekend of bonding, brotherhood and camaraderie. Just having fun and being
yourself with no societal boogey men and being free and open and no guilt/worries.
For many attendees across the country this can be the first time ever in their
lives that they have ever been in a room where they were fully accepted and well
understood. Made up of guest speakers, discussion and support groups as
well as a Poker Tournament and various cocktail parties, it is truly a series
of weekends geared to bi men. More than that howeverit is providing an invaluable
service to a community of bi mensomething McCloud is very aware of.
About the Contributor: Adam Borders (Contributing Writer): Adam Borders
is a Contributing Writer and writes about bisexual male topics and enjoys
contributing to our Entertainment section, particularly on Torchwood. Website: